How I Learned to Summer As a Teacher

I have one goal for this summer- to absolutely love it! Summer is hard earned by us teachers, darn it, so we owe it to ourselves to really make the most of it.
For me, I’ve already hit the ground running with a surf trip to Nicaragua for ten days and then I hopped over to Tampa for the AP US History grading. While grading DBQs from 8-5 was no joke, the evenings spent with my teacher besties made it an absolute blast!
However, I must admit that in the past, I didn’t fully embrace the potential of my summers. In my early years as a teacher, I got to say that I worked too much. Planning, prepping, reworking pacing guides, and reorganizing my room. I hit a point of seriously diminishing returns.
While I still do enjoy working on some school stuff and planning for an incredible year ahead, I don't think it's wise to over do it in the summer. Now my number priority is to live my best summer teacher life from June to August!
So, this summer, my mission is simple: embrace every moment.
Whether it's surfing, camping, or simply indulging in the simple pleasures—long mornings with coffee and movie marathons with my wife—I’m claiming it all!

Cause here’s the thing- the best professional development you can get over summer is rest, relaxation, and adventure!
Teaching is tough and the school year can really wear us out. That's why we need summers to recharge. And when you treat yourself to the summer you deserve, on your own terms, you will be able to be such a better teacher for your students when the school year kicks off again.
So, go ahead and embrace your hard earned summer. Your school deserves it, your students deserve it, and most of all- you deserve it!
Summer like you mean it,
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