All these resources go with this video, "Jacksonian Democracy...for Some."
1) Interactive, Follow-Along Notesheet
2) Quick Quiz
3) Extension Activity
Through the video and notes students will learn the major changes during Jacksonian Democracy that allowed the "common man" to vote and participate in government. While explaining how this was a major improvement as power shifted away from the elites to the average man, it also teaches the limitations of Jacksonian Democracy and how slavery spread, Native Americans were treated brutally under Jackson's policies, and women were still denied the vote. It covers Jackson's battle with the bank, the spoils system, his use of the veto, and why his critics saw him as a king.
✅ The lessons cover state-standards while making sure the content is still interesting.
After the video, notes, and quiz, students read more about the life and times of Andrew Jackson and use that information to make an illustrated collage of his life and policies. The reading dives deeper into the ideas in the video to help struggling learners understand the main ideas. *See previews!
There are answer keys for everything! Click & deliver engagement! This is a history video curriculum like no other!
Check Out my Antebellum Era Unit Bundle!
Cut the Lecture and Up the Engagement with this US History Video Lesson!
Jacksonian Democracy Video Lesson! Great US history lesson plan and perfect for homeschool history curriculums.
A self-paced course to help you build a positive learning community & end power struggles for good!
A self-paced course to get even your most reluctant learners interested and engaged by making rigorous learning fun!